Appraisal/Attestation & Coaching


Appraisal & Mentoring will be carried out by Kerry Mitchell from the Education Group. It will be carried out jointly and individually with Principal, A.P.1 , A.P.2 & A.P.3 involved in discussion together with the appraiser and then individual processes taking place. Appraisal will be carried out against the four Performance Agreements with particular focus on specific goals for the year. Each of the three individuals will have a signed contract with the Education Group and a specific process to follow throughout the year.

Appraisal will involve contact in every term and will be designed to comment on and improve practice during the year and produce written appraisal statements for each of the three parties during the 4th term. The result will be used to inform planning and practice for the subsequent year. It will also appraise each of the four parties against the Professional Standards.

February: Performance Agreements Finalised after consultation with BOT, Toni, Juanita, Garth & Russell

February: Finalised Performance Agreements in place and being used.

Term 1: Initial conference for goal setting and establishment of review focus. Kerry to visit with Toni, Juanita, Garth & Russell

Term 2: Kerry to visit Pt England to look at Pt England development initiatives and comment on review and development processes and criticise the model being developed. Kerry to visit classrooms

Term 3: Kerry to visit Pt England and look at progress made against goals set. Kerry to visit classrooms

Term 4: Kerry to visit classrooms and comment on the general state of the school. To evaluate progress made against major goals and make comments for improving future practice. As part of this visit a report to BOT will be jointly written up.

Term 4: Present reports to BOT


Teacher Inquiry

Focus discussed with SMT and action plan created with mentor teacher

Collaborative Inquiry groups formed and schedule of:


  • PD from experts

  • modelling

  • visiting and observing

  • reflection and discussion

  • analysing data

  • coaching

  • relating theory to practice

  • observations and feedback from mentor, SMTs (and peers where appropriate)

Creating and Sharing

  • Presenting learning and impact on student achievement to Inquiry groups termly

  • Presenting learning to school staff

  • Sharing Learning and connecting with educators globally on Inquiry Blog

Job Descriptions

February: Draft Job Descriptions made available. These are to be discussed at Team Mtgs and SMT notified of changes with a forotnight. Individual Action Plans also given out.

February: Finalised Job Descriptions in place and being used.

Individual Action Plans written up as part of teacher inquiry.


Attestation will be an on-going process.

Record of teacher Inquiry including action plan, as well as regular observations and feedback from mentor teacher form part of attestation requirements and monitoring.

Visit will focus on the action plan set up and developed termly.

October/November: Final conferences for staff appraisals will take place .Conference will evaluate action plan goals and discuss ways of supporting further change. The finalised material will be used to help construct job descriptions and goal setting for next year. Attestation held on Teacher professional Site and able to be accessed by Team Leaders and Senior Management.

Notes: Our teams and Collaborative Inquiry groups are constructed so that there is a great deal of regular contact. Planning is team-based.