Poringland, Past and Present. An archive of the history of Poringland and surrounding villages.

 The above photo was taken in August 2010, 

compare it with the  two photos on top  that were taken in 1920 and 1972!

If you have any memories you would like to share please get in touch with us.

Most of the pictures are shown at low resolution, but can be seen in a lot more detail by 

           Right Clicking (or long press on tablet or phone) and selecting "open image in new tab".

For detailed content 'click' the down arrow in the Navigate side bar.

NEWS   Buy our book. Book on sale now. Tel 01508 493434 or 493437. Next meeting will be Weds 9th. April 2025,   at 10.30am, at Poringland Old Village Hall.

NEW BOOK Now on sale ' Memories' 1913 - 1946.  Mostly about the villagers and those that went to war. Contact,     Richard  01508493434

  or               Mike  01508493437

We are grateful to anyone who has contributed media appearing on this site. For those who could not be traced they are also acknowledged. Any copyright holder wishing to query material on the web site is invited to contact us.