
Dr. Andrés Holz teaches the following courses:

GEOG 210 Physical Geography (Falls and Springs)

GEOG 412/512: Climate Change Science and Adaptations (Springs )

GEOG 413/513 Disturbance Biogeography of the PNW (Springs)

GEOG/ESM 418/518 Landscape Ecology (Falls)

GEOG 522 Research Design (Springs)

GEOG/ ESM 440/540 - Wildfire Ecology and Management (Summers)--co-taught with ESM Professor Max Nielsen-Pincus and Cody Evers.  Students' feedbacks on the a past summer's class:

"Field learning in Wallowa County gave me a far better grasp of forest management and fire ecology than I could have received in the classroom.”

[The] field experience helped me MEET people...in their neighborhoods, at their work, in actual sites where fire had happened or was about to happen. I met retired fire managers, current fire managers, foresters, civilians, all having their own understanding and perception of wildfire. These people helped me actually see in person the complexity of addressing fire due to the wide range of stakeholders.”

My field experience completely changed my worldview... Reading papers on the subject is great for strict information, but seeing the people involved and hearing their side, seeing how it affects the community and the forest, and being immersed in it was invaluable.”

Being in the community, talking with people with experience, and witnessing firsthand, gave me an entirely different understanding of wildfires."

Old courses

GEOG 313U Biogeography (Spring 2014, Fall 2015)

GEOG 312U Climate Variability (Spring 2017)

GEOG 410/510 TOP - Global Fire Ecology (Fall 2014, 2015)