
Patterns and Mechanisms Behind Recent Tree Decline and Mortality of Douglas Fir and True Firs (Abies Genus) in SW and Central Oregon


2023-2026. $111K. Lead: Andrés Holz.

Collaborators: Aaron Ramirez (Reed), Christine Bühl (ODF), and Laura Laurey [USFS]

Post-management drought resilience

RFRI Supplemental Monitoring (OWEB)

2022-2025. $88K. Lead: Aaron Ramirez (Reed) and Andrés Holz.

Collaborators: Kerry Metlen [TNC], Laura Laurey [USFS], Bill Kuhn [USFS], Jena  Volpe (BLM), among others.

Postfire delayed tree mortality

Supplemental Proposal for Award No. DEB-2025755, "LTER: Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER8)"

2021-2023. $42K. Co-Leads: Catalina Segura (OSU) and Andrés Holz.

Collaborators: Mark Schulze [PNW-OSU], Karla Jarecke [OSU]. 

Tree-ring reconstruction of historical groundwater-streamflow dynamics

USGS-PSU Partnership (UPP). 2021-2022. ~$70K. Lead: Andrés Holz.

Co-PI: Tess Harden [WSU]; Senior Collaborators: Marshall Gannett [ORWSC, retired], Dan Gavin [UO]. 

Tree ring-based diagnosis of Western redcedar dieback rates and cause(s)

USDA 2021-2022.  ~$70K. Lead: Henri Adams (WSU)

Co-PIs: Robbie Andrus [WSU], Kevan Moffett [WSU], Aaron Reed [Reed], Arjan Meddens [WSU], and Andrés Holz.

Pyrogeography and postfire pathways across cultural and climatic gradients in Patagonia and the western Cascades in the PNW

NSF-SBE. 2020-2022. $143K. Postdoctoral Fellowship Lead: Buzz Nanavati

Co-PIs: Jed Kaplan [U Hong Kong], Cathy Whitlock [Montana State U], Andrés Holz.

Postfire Delayed Tree Mortality in Oregon Cascades' Subalpine Forests

PSU. 2020-2022. Co-Leads: Sebastian Busby (PSU, PNW) and Andrés Holz.

Collaborators: Jeff Smith [PSU, OHSU]. 

Harnessing hydraulic traits of trees to inform forest management and adaptation in the Pacific Northwest

Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC). 2020-2022. $300K. Lead: Aaron Ramirez [Reed]

Co-PIs: Kevan Moffett [WSU], Andrés Holz.

Fire-Driven Forest Transitions in Response to Land-Use Impacts and Moisture Availability

NSF-GSS. 2018-2021. $350K. Lead: Andrés Holz

Co-PIs: Juan Paritsis [INIBIOMA-Ecotono, Argentina], Ignacio Mundo [IANIGLA, Argentina], Mauro González [UACH, Chile], & Tom Veblen [CU Boulder].

Past Projects

Fire regime reconstructions in mixed conifer forests in NE Oregon. USFS | TNC | JFSP-GRIN | ODF | NCASI. 2018-2022. $185K. Lead: Laura Platt (former MS student). Co-PIs: Kerry Kemp [TNC-Oregon/USFS], Cameron Naficy [OSU-PNW], Paul Hessburg [USFS], Andrés Holz. 

Recovery trajectories of the hillslope green water cycle after rapidly repeated wildfires.  NSF-HS. 2017-2021. $490K. Lead: Kevan Moffett [WSU-Vancouver]. Co-PI: Andrés Holz.

Natural Climate Solutions.  NatureNet TNC-PSU Postdoctoral Fellowship. Lead: Rose Graves; Co-PIs: Ryan Haugo [TNC, Oregon], Max Nielsen-Pincus [PSU-ESM], Andrés Holz.

Documenting and monitoring climate change effects at the edge of the world: Isla Hornos and the world's southernmost tree.  OPB piece (here). National Geographic Society (NGS). 2018-2020. $50K. Lead: Brian Buma [CU Denver]; Co-PIs: Ricardo Rozzi (UNT; U Magallanes, Chile), Iván Díaz (U Austral, Chile), Andrés Holz.

Modeling forest resilience, biomass and carbon management potential. USFS $121K. Co-PI. (PI: Melissa Lucash [PSU-GEOG]). 2018-2020.

Clackamas River Basin resilience study. ISS-PSU. $100K. Co-PI: Holz; 2017-2018.

What are the spatio-temporal patterns in the vegetation recovery at Mt St Helen after its 1980's eruption? ISS-PSU. $15K. PI: Holz; 2015-2016. (Student supported: Douglas Thalacker)

Lake Tahoe West Expanded LANDIS Modeling. 2017-2018 (USDA Forest Service. $72,115. Co-PI)—This project was led by Rob Scheller, who left PSU and invited me to continue as PI at PSU.

Modeling Forest Resilience, Biomass and Carbon Management Potential. 2017-2018 (USDA Forest Service. $152,475. Co-PI)—This project was led by Rob Scheller, who left PSU and invited me to continue as PI at PSU.

How has bushfire activity varied around the Southern Hemisphere over the last 10,000 years? ARC Discovery, Australia; Univ. of Tasmania; PI David Bowman; 2011-2015

WildFIRE PIRE: Fire, climate, and land-use interactions in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. NSF USA. Montana State University; PI Cathy Whitloc, 2010-2015

Wildfire Regime Shifts in Southern South America from Tree-Ring Reconstructed Fire History Networks: Climatic Controls, Land Use, and Ecological Feedbacks (NSF USA; PI Thomas Veblen; $300,000). 2010-2013

Tree regeneration responses to Chusquea montana bamboo die-off in a subalpine Nothofagus forest in the southern Andes.