
We are a large and productive lab group in the Geography Department at Portland State University.

There are plenty of opportunities for graduate students in our lab. Please email Dr. Holz andres.holz@pdx.edu if you are interested in joining the lab, briefly describing your research interests and including a copy of your CV.



Opportunities for Undergrads

We are always looking for motivated undergraduate students who are interested in working on independent projects or would like to get involved with the lab’s research. If you are interested in doing your honor's thesis research, internships (for credit) or volunteering in the lab, please get in touch with enough time to produce a proposal and apply for fieldwork funding (e.g. during the fall of your Junior year ). We

2021--We accept applications for graduate students via the Geography (master) and the PSU School of the Environment (Earth, Environment and Society PhD) graduate programs. Eligible prospective graduate students should consider applying for NSF Graduate Research Fellowships concurrent with their application to graduate school. I also encourage prospective PhD students to consider submitting a proposal to National Geographic Society Research and Exploration program and/ or the Graduate Research Innovation Award at the Joint Fire Science Program (GRIN-JFSP).


Opportunities for Postdocs

We are interested in initiating collaborations with postdocs. We encourage postdocs to explore options via external fellowships, such as the National Science Foundation, Smith Fellows or McDonnell Foundation Complexity Fellowships, funding through the National Geographic Society Research and Exploration program or other programs. Please contact either of us with ideas and we can discuss further options.

I am excited to collaborate with postdoctoral researchers. If advertised positions are available, they will appear below. However, there are many external postdoctoral fellowships that could facilitate working together. Examples include the Smith Postdoctoral Fellowship, The McDonnell Foundation Complexity Fellowship, NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships, and SESYNC Fellowships. If interested, please contact me with ideas and we can chat.



***Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Opportunity in forest dendroecology and microclimate. We are seeking two applicants for an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2022 to examine the impacts of wildfire and drought on tree survival, tree growth, and streamflow. More info here!***


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