October 2016

Post date: Aug 6, 2017 7:19:02 PM

NSF-SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (SPRF)open for proposal submission. If you are interested in joining our group and submitting a proposal together, this is a great opportunity!

New piece accepted for publication!

Recently accepted m.s. in Geophysical Research Letters on "ENSO controls inter-annual fire activity in south-east Australia". Congrats Michela Marini (lead author and PhD students at U Melbourne).

Recently accepted m.s. in a special volumen on 'Climate change and cultural evolution' in PAGES News entitled "Fires: the main human impact on past environments in Patagonia?". Thank you! to our collaborating archeologists, historians and paleoecologists involved in this endeavor.

Successful presentation at this year's (79th) Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, organized by PSU. Our lab presented Douglas' work from Mt St Helen's and my work from climate variability and wildfire in Patagonia.

-Thalacker, D. and Holz, A. Biophysical facilitators of conifer encroachment on the Muddy River Lahar, Mount St. Helens, WA.

-Holz, A. et al. Southern Annular Mode drives multi-century wildfire activity in southern South America.