102nd annual Ecological Society of America conference

Post date: Aug 24, 2017 3:04:38 PM

It was an excellent week at this year’s 102nd annual Ecological Society of America conference hosted at the Oregon Convention Center here in Portland, OR from August 6-11. Dr. Holz gave a presentation on high severity fires, positive fire feedbacks and alternative stable states in Athrotaxis rainforest ecosystems in western Tasmania (https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Paper66951.html). and subbed another on Volcano ecology in southern Chile during the organized session on volcano ecology: a global perspective on biotic assembly and ecosystem processes following explosive volcanism (where he was a moderator: https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Session12894.html). He also co-authored a talk on plant succession at Mt. St. Helen's (https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Paper63553.html). Douglas Thalacker presented his Master’s on Cross-scale analysis of biophysical facilitators of vegetation establishment and growth on Mount St. Helens, Washington (https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Paper66598.html). Alec Kretchun gave a presentation on the long term persistence of aspen in snowpack-dependent ecosystems https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Paper66603.html. Zachary Robbins presented in the poster sessions with a poster on modeling the impacts of fuel treatment on future forest diversity in the Lake Tahoe basin (https://eco.confex.com/eco/2017/webprogram/Paper68647.html). Overall, it was a fantastic week and a rich learning experience for all involved!