English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

The course: English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a language programme for ESL students who are working at stage 3 and 4  of The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP).  It provides opportunity to students who are non-native speakers of English to improve their language skills and to maximise their learning and engagement across all curriculum areas.

The Aim:

The main focus of the EAP course is helping students gain confidence and competence in the English language. As students develop their language skills, they are able to participate in all other subjects in their Year 12 and 13 curriculum courses to their full academic potential. Subsequently, it will also provide them the opportunity to take English for Academic Purposes reading and writing Unit Standards at Level 3 (Standards approved for NCEA literacy co- requisites) and Level 4 which are accepted for the University Entrance Literacy requirement. 

The course consists of Unit Standards for Level 3  at a level comparable to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) low B2 which are included to help students achieve NCEA literacy co-requisite and prepare for Level 4 standards. The standards for  Level 4 are at a level comparable to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)  mid  B2.

What will I learn? The course will include:

Probe: We will explore and develop an understanding of our cultural identity, sense of belonging, learning, integration and our participation in a multicultural society and in the wider world.




How will this course be assessed?

This course consists of Level 3  and/or  Level 4 English for Academic Purpose (EAP) Standards. There are 12  credits being offered at each level.

Will there be any FAO?  (Further Assessment Opportunities)

Yes, but it is expected with good scaffolding for formative assessments there should be little need for further assessment opportunities (FOA). However, should the need arise then FOA's will be offered.

What are the course costs? None 

Overview of EAP standards