
Mr. Jason Rakers, Principal

As we approach the end of another academic year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we have had together.  It has been a year filled with growth, achievement, and memorable experiences for our students, staff, and school community as a whole.  It has been a year of great joy and sadness.  We have needed each other at times, but I am proud of our students’ resilience.

From the first day of classes, our students have shown remarkable dedication to their studies, creativity in their projects, and kindness in their interactions with one another.  Their passion for learning and enthusiasm for exploring new ideas have truly been inspiring to witness.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support and collaboration of our dedicated staff.   Their commitment to nurturing our students’ potential, both academically and personally, has been instrumental in shaping a positive and empowering learning environment.

I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, our parents and guardians, for your ongoing support and partnerships throughout the year. Your involvement in your child’s education, whether through volunteering, attending school events, or simply being present and engaged, has made a significant difference in their success. On top of the students’ success, my first year as principal at OJSHS has also been wonderful thanks to everyone’s support.  This place is Owesome!


As we look ahead to the summer break and beyond, let’s carry forward the spirit of community, resilience, and joy that has defined this school year.  Together, we have accomplished so much, and I have no doubt that even greater achievements await us in the future.

Again, many THANKS for your support. I am wishing you all a wonderful summer filled with fun, relaxation, and cherished moments with your loved ones. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to our office should you have any questions.