
1.) Minnesota Map 

2.) Minnesota Map test 

3.) Minnesota Symbols Study Guides 

4.) Minnesota Symbols test 

5.) Minnesota 12 Counties test 

6.) Minnesota Symbols Poster Project 

7) Dakota vs. Ojibwe poster on Ipads 

8) Voyageur Diaries 

1.) Chapter 3 - The Dakota 

2.) Chapter 4 - The Ojibwe 

3.) Chapter 5 - The Fur Trade test

4.) Chapter 6 - The Land Changes Hands

5.) Chapter 7 - Minnesota's Newcomers

6.) Chapter 8 - The Civil War

7.) Chapter 9 - Minnesota's Civil War

8.) Chapter 10 - Sodbusters

9.) Chapter 11 - Flour, Lumber, and Iron

10.) State Government

11.) Famous Minnesotans