The Budget Subcommittee’s purpose is to act in an advisory capacity to the full School Committee with regard to financial matters. The Budget Subcommittee primarily works with the Superintendent and the Business Administrator, but regularly solicits input from other subcommittees, officials from our member towns, the District Leadership Team, community members, parents, students, staff, financial and legal advisers, etc., and welcomes the public to our meetings.

The Budget Subcommittee reviews (and adjusts, as appropriate) the proposed annual budget calendar; provides guidance to the Superintendent with respect to targeted overall budget increases/decreases prior to the development of initial budgets; reviews and provides feedback with respect to preliminary draft budgets; and makes recommendations to the full School Committee with respect to final draft budgets. Town and public participation is solicited during all phases of the budget process. The Budget Subcommittee also reviews quarterly operating statements and other materials to ensure ongoing compliance with budget parameters; makes recommendations to the full School Committee with regard to proposed budget transfers (when appropriate); reviews and executes warrants on behalf of the School Committee; and works with the Superintendent and Business Manager on issues of long-term financial planning.

The MTRSD Budget Subcommittee typically meets the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m.

MTRSD Budget Subcommittee Meeting Calendars