MA Student Import

Users with the Agency Full Access role may import student records into LACES via a .CSV file with limited information found on the student intake page. This allows multiple student records to be created by importing rather than by entering the records manually. Keep in mind that the number of records you need to enter may determine whether or not you should import, since preparing the import file can be time consuming.  For example, it may be quicker to manually enter 10 student records than to prepare an import file. 

Records may need to be edited and updated after the import to add required or optional data in fields that are not included on the import file.  

All student records created from the import file will display the overall status of Waitlist (Full Intake).  This import is not intended for Waitlist (Partial Intake) students. 

Step 1:

Prepare the import file.

Create the file or download the MA Custom Student Import Template.

If creating your own file:

If downloading the MA Custom Student Import Template:

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Many zip codes in MA have a leading 0.  If you are preparing your own import file, make sure to format the Zip column on the spreadsheet prior to importing the file.  If you do not format the column before importing, you may import students records with an incorrect zip code with only 4 or fewer digits.  These records will have to be manually corrected, or you have to format the spreadsheet and import again. 

To format the Zip column:

1. Select the column heading in the spreadsheet.  This will select the entire column. 

2. Right-click the column heading and select 'Format Cells.'

 3. At the Number tab, select Special, and Zip Code.  Click OK.

4. Now when you enter the zip codes on the import file, the zip codes will display the leading zeroes. 

5. Save the file. 

6. You may import with the file open after saving, or save and close the file, then import.   HOWEVER, be aware that .CSV files do not maintain formatting. The next time you open the file, the Special/Zip Code formatting on the Zip column will be discarded and you will have to format the column again.  

You may format the column before or after entering the data on the import file, but make sure to format the column before importing. 


TIP:  Until you are comfortable with the import process, create and import smaller files rather than one large file. 

Step 2:

Import the file.

Remember that only users with the role Agency Full Access will see the import on the MORE toolbar drop-down list. 


Step 3:

Check the status of the import at All System Tasks

Step 4:

Student Import Fields

 Last update:  04/25/2024