SASID Export/Import

The State Assigned Student Identifier (SASID) field is located in the LACES student record at the Student Data tab / Key Info panel.

Some students are missing data in this field in their student record. Specified users may export a list of students missing this data via a custom export. (Only students whose overall status is Enrolled or Left and are missing the SASID number will be exported.) The SASID numbers are then added to the file, and the file imported to LACES via a custom import.

Export/Import Process

1. Go to the Student Area at the SEA.

2. Click the down arrow on the More toolbar.

3. Select 'Export Students Missing SASID.'

4. ALL enrolled and left students missing a SASID in their record will be exported, regardless of current selection.

5. The data is exported in a custom format as a .txt file.

6. This file is then handled by a 3rd party application to get the SASIDs for students who are missing this data. The exported file is not intended to be edited by end users.

7. Once the file comes back with the SASID numbers inserted, users with the appropriate role may manually import the file into LACES. The file may be imported at one agency for only students in that agency, or at the SEA.

8. To import the file, click the down arrow on the More toolbar at the Student area.

9. Select 'Import Student SASIDs.'

10. Select the file location and import.

11. The progress of the import may be monitored at the All System Tasks area.

SASIDs will be added to the student record.

Last update: 12/1/2022