Student Intake

There are two student intake workflows in LACES with two separate intake pages.

Add New Student

Students who will be served without waiting will be entered into LACES by selecting Add New Student. The intake page has required fields that must be entered for NRS reporting, and required fields designated by the state of Massachusetts.

1. All fields on the intake page with a red asterisk (*) must be entered before saving the new student record.

2. The student's overall status is "Waitlist (Full Intake)."

Additionally, the following rules apply:

1. Students who are younger than 16 years of age at the time of intake may not be entered into LACES.

2. SSN Not Provided must be checked if the student did not provide a SSN.

3. Middle Name Not Provided must be checked if the student did not provide a middle name.

4. English Language Learner OR Low Literacy Levels must be selected from the Barriers to Employment fields. A Barriers to Employment record will be created automatically at the student History tab / Barriers to Employment History panel.

5. At least one phone number must be entered in order to save the record.

6. Low Income will be automatically selected in the student Barriers to Employment record at the History tab / Barriers to Employment History panel when any of the following are checked: EAEDC, MassHealth,Other, SNAP (EBT/Food Stamps), SSI, TAFDC (TANF), or WIC.

Add Waitlist Student

Students who are waiting for services may be entered into LACES by selecting Add Waitlist Student. The intake page is the same as Add New Student, except that some fields are not required.

1. All fields on the intake page with a red asterisk (*) must be entered before saving the new student record.

2. The student's overall status is "Waitlist (Partial Intake)."

3. Students whose overall status is "Waitlist (Partial Intake)" may have activity, such as enrolling in a class or being assessed, but may still be missing data to be NRS reportable. The Student Alerts/Missing Reportable Data dashboard can be used to find students who are no longer waiting but are missing required reporting data.

3. Students with overall status of Waitlist (Partial Intake) may be changed to Removed from Waitlist if the student is no longer seeking services.

Last Update: 7/7/2022