All System Tasks/Email Notifications

All System Tasks

The progress of all imports may be monitored by going to the All System Tasks area.

1.  Click the down arrow on the Additional area and select All System Tasks.

2. Imports display on the grid.

3. Open the import record to see the status and any import error messages.

Grid columns

The default view on the All System Tasks grid is "System Task List" and contains the following columns.  


By default, all imports display on the grid.

View Manager

"System Task List" is the default view.  A new view may be created that includes additional fields.

Import Record

Double-click the record on the grid or click the edit icon to open the import record.

Task Data tab

The Data tab grid contains the following columns.

Task Messages tab

The Task Message tab displays the columns on the imported file, as well as the row, status, and the message associated with each row.  This helps explain why a particular row was not imported.  This grid may be exported by clicking the Export button.

Import files with malformed or incorrect column headings will display "File import has failed" at the top of the grid.   

Multiple Matching Students

Some imports have columns to import records matched on student ID or SSN, or both.  If a record on the import file contains only the SSN but there are multiple records on the import file that matches on that SSN, a row for each instance will display at the Task Messages tab.  

For example, the import file may have only one row with a record that matches on SSN, but the SSN is found in multiple agencies or in multiple student records in the same agency.  In that case, you will see multiple records for the row at Task Messages.

Other imports use matching logic, such as matching first and last name, birthdate, gender, or ethnicity.  There will be multiple rows when more than one student meets the match criteria.

Status Filter

The rows on the grid may be filtered by status by selecting a status from the filter drop down list. Only statuses generated by the import will display on the list.


The Task Messages grid may be exported by selecting the Export button.

Email Notification

The user may select how they wish to receive email notifications for imports.  

This functionality is on the Person Profile Settings tab. To access Person Profile, hold your mouse over the person icon in the top right corner of the window and select "Profile."

At the Settings tab/Job Completion Email Notification field, you may select:

Last update: 3/12/2024