
The second annual workshop was held on Monday, November 16, 2015, in conjunction with SC15 in Austin, Texas, USA.

Workshop abstract

Post-petascale systems and future exascale computers are expected to continue hierarchical architectures with nodes of many-core processors and accelerators. Existing programming paradigms and algorithms will have to be adapted to fit wider parallel architectures. The increase in heterogeneity of architectures points to a need in cross‐training and collaboration among trainers across centers. Therefore, novel and portable methods of scalable algorithms that better manage the locality of widely distributed data, having fault resilient properties, will become necessary.

The critical need to educate the users to develop on the next generation HPC has been widely recognized world-wide. The aim of this workshop is to bring together the educators and scientists from the key HPC and Supercomputer Centers from all interested countries to share expertise and best practices for tackling the HPC skills gap.

The Workshop included a half day of presentations on best practices for delivering HPC Training through in-person, web-based and asynchronous HPC training and discussions on strategies for ongoing collaboration among HPC Centers worldwide. A Workshop report will be produced highlighting lessons learned and strategies for successful international collaboration on HPC Training development and delivery.

SC15 Workshop Info

    • Text to 22333: HPCTRAIN <message>

  • Use the hashtag #hpctrain for tweets about this workshop

  • Workshop abstract

    • Post-petascale systems and future exascale computers are expected to continue hierarchical architectures with nodes of many-core processors and accelerators. Existing programming paradigms and algorithms will have to be adapted to fit wider parallel architectures. The increase in heterogeneity of architectures points to a need in cross‐training and collaboration among trainers across centers. Therefore, novel and portable methods of scalable algorithms that better manage the locality of widely distributed data, having fault resilient properties, will become necessary.

    • The critical need to educate the users to develop on the next generation HPC has been widely recognized world-wide. The aim of this workshop is to bring together the educators and scientists from the key HPC and Supercomputer Centers from all interested countries to share expertise and best practices for tackling the HPC skills gap.

    • The Workshop included a half day of presentations on best practices for delivering HPC Training through in-person, web-based and asynchronous HPC training and discussions on strategies for ongoing collaboration among HPC Centers worldwide. A Workshop report will be produced highlighting lessons learned and strategies for successful international collaboration on HPC Training development and delivery.

  • Workshop Date and Location

    • Monday, November 16, 2015

    • 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

    • Location: Hilton Room Salon K

  • Schedule

Workshop Results