Call for Visualization seminar topics

Post date: Oct 11, 2016 6:25:29 PM

On behalf of the International HPC Training Consortium* we would like to cordially invite you to propose a presentation on visualization to be webcast to the community.

Discussions with the research community have identified a need among the research community to learn more about visualization tools, resources, and techniques. The breadth of software, tools, methods and resources is vast and the community is seeking clarity on which approaches and tools to apply to both advance and communicate their research.

We are interested in soliciting presenters for a series of seminars on visualization to be webcast over the next year to inform the community on the capabilities that are available and to assist people with the use of these tools and resources.

We invite you to submit a short proposal for a seminar topic of your choosing to be considered for inclusion in the seminar series. The submission should be about 1 page in length and include the following:

    • Your name, email, phone, title, and institutional affiliation

    • Title for your seminar topic

    • A one paragraph abstract of your proposed seminar topic

    • Proposed length of time for the seminar (e.g. one hour, half-day)

    • Proposed timeframe for presenting the topics (months/weeks you will be able to present over the next year)

    • Target audience (researchers, developers, domains of study, etc.)

    • Your prior experience presenting this material

    • Pre-requisites for someone participating - e.g. programming knowledge, prior visualization experience, mathematics, etc.

    • User base for the software (e.g. what is the size and domains of use by the current user community)

    • Software availability (e.g. free, open source, licensed, other)

    • Software requirements for any participant to benefit from any planned hands-on activities

    • Use cases you plan to cover with examples of applications/usage by researchers

    • Training materials and other reference materials that exist (e.g. provide links)

We welcome a broad range of topics. Possible topics may include but are not limited to:

    • Overview of scientific visualization and/or information visualization

    • Specific visualization packages (e.g. Visit, Paraview, Yt, Blender, etc)

    • Large data handling

    • Remote visualization

    • Charting/graphing

    • 3D/VR techniques

    • Accessibility e.g. how to provide access by people with visual impairments

    • Color theory

    • Multivariate Visualization

    • How to teach visualization

    • Visualization production: target viewing (dark room, phone, etc), frame rates, etc.

    • Working with visualization experts for high-end productions

    • Challenges of scaling to petascale and beyond

Please submit your plan by Monday, October 24, 2016 to Scott Lathrop -

We plan to review all submissions and make decisions in time to announce the seminar series at SC16 in November.

If you have any questions, please direct them to Scott Lathrop -

Thank you for your consideration.

The International HPC Training Consortium

(*) Note: The International HPC Training Consortium includes representatives from HPC Centers, higher education institutions, government agencies, and business and industry from around the world. The Consortium seeks to prepare the research and education community to gain access to and make effective use of cyberinfrastructure at the local, regional, national, and international level. The target audience is broadly inclusive from novices getting started in the use of local computing systems, to users of the most advanced computational and data-enabled computing systems, including petascale and beyond systems. The organizational aspects are supported by representatives from the NSF funded Blue Waters project at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and the DOE funded project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Additional information on the Consortium is available at