
There are over 70 members from the following countries:

    • Australia

    • Boswana

    • Brazil

    • Canada

    • Estonia

    • Germany

    • Italy

    • Poland

    • Saudi Arabia

    • Scotland

    • Slovenia

    • South Africa

    • Spain

    • Switzerland

    • Taiwan

    • UK

    • United States

    • Wales

The following organizations are represented:

    • ACC Cyfronet AGH

    • Argonne National Laboratory

    • Arizona State University

    • Atos Big Data & Security – NAO

    • Barcelona Supercomputing Center

    • Boston University

    • Case Western Reserve

    • Cineca National Supercomputing centre

    • Compute Canada/U Toronto

    • Cornell University

    • DOD

    • Earlham Institute

    • EPCC, University of Edinburg

    • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    • Florida State University

    • Georgia Tech University

    • HPC Wales

    • IGS and US Veterans Affairs

    • Iowa State University

    • Joint Genome Institute

    • Juelich

    • KAUST

    • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    • Louisiana State University

    • MD Anderson Cancer Center

    • Michigan State University - Institute for Cyber Enabled Research

    • Mississippi State University; Distributed Analytics and Security Institute (DASI)

    • Montana Tech

    • Mount Sinai Hospital

    • National Center for High Performance Computing (CENAPAD) from the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC)

    • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

    • National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

    • National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS)

    • National Renewable Energy Lab

    • NCAR

    • NTU Taiwan, the NCHC

    • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

    • Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC)

    • Oklahoma State University

    • Pawsey Supercomputing Center


    • Princeton University

    • PSC

    • Sandia National Laboratory

    • Shodor

    • SME High Performance Computing​

    • Software Carpentry

    • Southwestern Oklahoma State University

    • Stony Brook University

    • Swiss National Supercomputing Center

    • TACC

    • U. S. Naval Academy

    • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech

    • Universität Stuttgart

    • University of Arizona

    • University of Botswana

    • University of Colorado - Boulder

    • University of Connecticut, School of Engineering

    • University of Delaware

    • University of Edinburgh

    • University of Illinois - CS&E

    • University of Iowa

    • University of Limpopo

    • University of Ljubljana

    • University of Michigan, Advanced Research Computing

    • University of Notre Dame

    • University of Oklahoma

    • University of Tartu

    • University of Texas Dallas

    • West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

We will not publish individual member names here, but they are available upon request for establishing communications and collaborations.

This information is not to be used for any marketing or sales efforts.