Invitation to Attend SC16 HPC Training Workshop

Post date: Jul 11, 2016 2:54:34 PM

The International HPC Training Consortium is organizing a workshop entitled “Third SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training” to be held at the SC16 Conference on Monday, November 14, 2016 from 9 AM to 12:30 PM. The goal of this workshop is to engage individuals around the globe to share expertise and best practices for in-person, web-based and asynchronous HPC training for the community.

We welcome everyone interested to attend this workshop. You must register and pay the SC16 workshop fee to attend this and other SC16 workshops.

This year’s SC16 workshop will begin with lightning talks addressing HPC training topics of common interest that have emerged around the world. After the lightning talks, there will be open discussion, to foster information sharing and collaborative activities that people may pursue throughout the following year.

The workshop agenda is posted at

We look forward to your participation in the SC16 workshop!

In addition, we welcome everyone to join the International HPC Training Consortium. The consortium is an informal gathering of people and organizations working together to enhance HPC training. There is no cost to join. To participate send names and email of interested people to Scott Lathrop:


International HPC Training Consortium