IHPCTC September 2016 Update

IHPCTC Progress to Date

Your collaborative efforts are helping to enhance training. The following activities are underway. If you are not involved, and wish to be, let us know.

  • Workflows seminar series – to provide an overview of workflow tools including Copernicus, Galaxy, Kepler, Makeflow/Workflow, RADICAL Cybertools, Pegasus, Swift, etc. If you have a workflow to add to the list, please let us know.

  • Scientific visualization seminar series – to provide an overview of visualization tools and techniques including VISIT, Blender, Paraview, VMD, Salsa, Eclipse, YT, handling large datasets (dashboards), I/O libraries – e.g. HDF and netCDF, in situ techniques, remote visualization, data analytics approaches

  • Collections of training resources at https://sites.google.com/a/lbl.gov/hpc-training-best-practices/training-resources

o please submit links to be added to this list

o Both XSEDE and HPC University are working to include these links to help direct people to training resources and materials.

o More effort is needed to facilitate an easy to use search tool that enables users to find the training they desire.

o You may review a prototype at https://github.com/ihpc-training/application-examples

o Please offer suggestions and ideas and let us know if you want to help

o A call will follow if there is enough interest

  • CI Professionals – professional development and support.

  • HPC Carpentry – we need volunteers to help develop the topics and content!

o A doodle to arrange a call on this topic will be issued in the next couple weeks

  • Roadmaps to provide people with pointers to quality reviewed training to guide people to learning HPC and CI topics.

o Share any roadmaps you have developed!

  • Badging to recognize accomplishment of learning goals. There is a desire to develop an agreed upon set of assessments for badges that multiple organizations can utilize to provide an internationally agreed upon set of approved and certified badges.

o Share your efforts!

o Let us know if you would like to work towards a common certificate!

Use HPC University to Recruit! (No cost to you)

  • Submit information for conferences, workshops, and other events related to HPC including calls for submissions and calls for registrations.

  • Submit your calls for applications for students for internships, fellowships, etc.

  • Submit career opportunities in academia, government and industry.

  • For all submissions, please provide

o One paragraph summary of the opportunity

o Link to web site for additional details

o Deadlines for submissions or applications

Please let us know of other topics you would like to discuss with potential collaborators across the world.