
This random collection of links to things that range from mildly interesting to absolutely fascinating is updated as mood and time allow.

One of my favorite web sites is This site matches content to your interests.

Academic Goodies

Skyward Portal for students and parents

What do you love? from Google

Eyercize Speed reader training

List of common misconceptions Wikipedia

Art to Look At

See also Mr. W's Art Links

Umbrella art

Dirty Car art

Cut paper Pop up art


Typewriter art


Eeeww--Egg seperator

10 Unique Buildings

Stop motion paper

Realistic Children's Paintings

Contact Juggling

Drew Falchetta, artist

DrawerGeeks, artist

Julian Beever, Artist

Antony Gormley, artist

Blue Ball Frenetic animation, with music

Something Cool Every Day--an artist's portfolio

Brush with Death Video

Art To Do

See also Mr. W's Art Links

Sketch swap

Artpad--Online paint tool To save, take a screen shot (shift-apple-4) or print, then choose "save as PDF"

Snowdays Snowflake generator

Flash Face

Paul Schmidinger Web designer site with many interesting interactive items lessons

50 Free Graphic design lessons

Cambridge in Color Digital Photography tutorials

Art Can't Hurt-Candy!

7 Flower pop up--video


Spinner clock

Color Clock

World and US population clock

Games & Interactives

See also Mr. W's Game Design Links

This is Sand

3 Slices Game

Helicopter Game

Trebuchet Game (music plays on loading)

Virus 2 Terribly addictive game

Juggler Another fun game Games

Canvas Rider Game

Ball Droppings Game

Knowledge Bowl!

7th and 8th graders! Join the LCMS Knowledge Bowl team. The season is 5 weeks long, in February and March. Right between Basketball, Wrestling, and Track.

Check it out!

History & Geography

See Also Mr. W's SS Links

The Map as History

Geosense Online Geography game

Darfur is Dying Game helps explain the conflict in Darfur, Sudan

Earth at night

How old were you when...

Aral Sea abandoned ships

All the water on Earth

Museum of Endangered Sounds

Portrait of a Redwood Tree

Flight Radar 24--Real time air traffic

El Camino Del Rey-Yikes!

Something to think about--Corporate brand name chart

Wayback Machine Archive of the Internet


Giraffe--An interesting extra credit strategy

Rate your ability to whine

Ultimate Caption fail, fail

Drunk Octopus


Mudpie's Camp Songs

Tubular Music

OK Go Music Video--Fun with treadmills

Past Years (Woefully incomplete...)

Classroom Fun '05-'06

Classroom Fun '04-'05

South American Board Games

LCMS Faculty Video '12'-13