Map Test Help

When preparing for map tests, I give my students two blank maps. One is used to make a study map with. The other is kept blank and used for practice.

Make a study map...

1) Locate all the countries or features on the list your teacher gives you. Use the maps in the back of your planner, social studies book, an atlas, or any other useful source.

2) Write down the names of the places on one map as you go. Be sure to capitalize and spell correctly. It makes no sense to study incorrect spellings.

3) Hide this map under a sheet of paper when you are studying. This is your study map.

With a blank map...

1) Point to a country/place on the map and see if you can say it's name. You can have another person point out places as well. Study with a friend, parent, or sibling. The partner can check your answers against the study map if they don't know the answers themselves.

2) WRITE DOWN THE NAME to see if you can spell it correctly.

3) Check your answers on the study map. You can also use an atlas instead of the study map if you only have one blank map.

Don't have a blank map? Look for an outline map.

Try Google's image search. Go to Google, click on the "images" link, then enter "blank outline maps" and the name of the continent you are studying.