Art Classes: 6th & 7/8th

LCMS is offering art classes for 6th graders and 7/8th graders. These classes combine hands on study of art processes with art history and appreciation. We make art, we look at art, and we talk about art.  Aside from making art, highlights for the year include Fall and Spring student art shows and field trips to galleries and museums.  

7/8th Grade Art Makerspace

Homework!?!  Yup.

Sometimes, it’s hard to be creative on demand or take artistic risks in front of peers. Because of this, I am asking students to create some art outside of the school setting. Most will be drawing or paper based assignments, some will be computer based, and a few may use found objects. 

Art Program Donations Needed!

Please look over the donation wish list. Some items we need all the time. Others are just one time things. Your help is greatly appreciated!  

All Art Students: Optional After School Gallery Trips--Parent volunteers are needed to drive school vans and chaperone. Contact Mr. Westerberg if you can help.

Early November--Portland First Thursday Galleries 

Early May--Portland Chinese Gardens 

7/8th Graders--Tacoma MOG/TAM: Each semester class will be taking a full day field trip to the museum district in Tacoma, usually near the end of the semester. We will ride the Amtrak Cascades from Vancouver to Tacoma, visit the Museum of Glass or the Tacoma Art Museum, and other nearby attractions, returning late that same day.  As soon as reservations are confirmed, additional information will be sent home. Priority for chaperone spaces will be given to those who volunteer to help with the Fall art show. 

Typical Projects--In no particular order. Not all projects are done every year.