
Essential Questions

  • How did geography influence settlement and way of life in ancient Greece?

  • How did democracy develop in ancient Greece?

  • What were the major differences between Athens and Sparta?

  • What factors influenced the outcome of the Persian Wars?

  • What were the major cultural achievements of Athens?

Ancient Greece Links

See also SS Links

Ancient History Encyclopedia

British Museum ancient Greece

Spartan Challenge

Map as History Greek Page

Heilbrunn Art Timeline Greek & Roman page

Typical Project: Greek Polis Simulation

For Greece, the class often participates in a simulation pitting one city state versus another. Small groups of students compete for knowledge, glory, and pizza.


Study Map

Ancient Greek People & Places quiz

Memory Game


Build Your Own Temple



General Teamwork

Everyone in class is asked to wear a chiton in class during much of this unit. Here is a diagram of how they are folded. You start by folding the sheet in half the short way. In the diagram below you only need to fold it over (C) if the sheet is large. A twin sheet works very well folded in quarters.

Extra Credit!

Add a Greek Key to your chiton. You can find pattern examples here. Put the key pattern on one of the shorter edges of the bed sheet.