Absent Work & Grade Problems

How To Make Up Work When Absent

Making up work when absent is a simple process! Here's three things you can do:

1) Check the Google Classroom page while you are gone. It's easy to do, and you often have everything you need to do the work. If nothing else, you can at least do Geo Questions for the week.

2) When you return to class, check with Mr. W in case there were paper based assignments. Most items get posted to Google Classroom as PDF files in case you have access to a printer, but you can also find these assignments in the teal colored file cabinet near Mr. W's desk. 

3) Be sure you actually DO the work! Many kids get burned on grades because they never do the work they missed. Do current work first, then peck away at the absent work. Turn in your completed absent work to the inbox.

4) Tests must be made up at study hall after school. Please make arrangements.

Extra Credit? How About Earning The Credit First?

I do not offer extra credit assignments to prop up sagging grades. I would much rather see students who are struggling devote energy to the regularly assigned work in class. Band aid extra credit encourages students to be complacent about poor grades, it cheapens the regularly assigned work, and is not fair to students who strive for excellence all through the year. Don't ask for extra credit when what you really need is to earn credit in the first place.

I do offer occasional extra credit assignments and projects. These are found on the classwork page of Google Classroom. It pays to do a little bit extra throughout the year.

If your grades are less than perfect, talk to Mr. W. about it! If you are willing to work, I am willing to work with you. Start as soon as you see problems developing.  The most common problems students encounter are 1) failing to make up absent work, and 2) procrastination. There are a few links to to support sites in the self help section on the Goodies page.