Asthma & Allergies


If your child has diagnosed asthma or reactive airway disease and needs an inhaler and/or a nebulizer treatment while in school or on a school trip, please have your medical provider fill out the attached asthma emergency care plan and bring it to school along with the medications in their original prescription packaging.

Medication orders and asthma action plans are valid for one school year and must be renewed each school year. Physicians typically write a prescription for a second inhaler to be kept at school.

It is very important that the trigger section of the asthma action plan is completed because that information is key to developing individualized intervention strategies.

For more information about asthma, click on the following: The Pediatric/Adult Asthma Coalition of New Jersey.

I am happy to work with you to keep your child safe at school. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Allergies & Anaphylaxis

If your child has a life-threatening allergy and needs epinephrine in an emergency, please have your medical provider fill out the attached allergy emergency care plan and bring it to school along with their epinephrine in the original prescription package. Medication orders and emergency allergy action plans are valid for one school year and must be renewed each school year.

I keep stock children's Benadryl; however, some parents choose to supply their own. Either option is fine. Note that the stock Benadryl is not dye-free.

In addition to myself, we also have trained epinephrine delegates on-site.

For more information about food allergies, please see the material below including how to teach your child to be a PAL and click on the following: Food Allergy Research & Education.

Please note that we have a nut free table in the cafeteria. If your child has a food allergy and you do not want them to sit at the table, please send me a note.

Again, I am happy to work with you to keep your child safe at school. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Allergy Emergency-Care-Plan.pdf
Asthma Emergency-Care-Plan.pdf
Medical alert permission.docx
Food Allergy Fact Sheet.pdf
Food Allergy-companion-guide.pdf