Summer 2017

Post date: Aug 22, 2017 12:44:37 AM

  • Ryan Longman and Tom Giambelluca attended a collaborator meeting at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO August 1-3.

  • Aurora Kagawa-Viviani and Abby Frazier presented at the Hawai‘i Ecosystems Meeting in Hilo, HI, June 29-30.

  • Abby Frazier attended the Climate Science Center Ecological Drought Meeting in Annapolis, MD, June 13-15 and presented a seminar/webinar at the Washington D.C. Office of Forest Service, June 19.

  • Abby Frazier presented at the Hawai‘i Climate Extension Forum at UH Mānoa June 7.

  • Henry Diaz and Tom Giambelluca co-hosted a workshop on Using High Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstructions Since AD 1500 in Support of Research on Environmental/Societal Change in Hawai‘i, which included presentations by Oliver Elison Timm, Abby Frazier, and Aurora Kagawa-Viviani.

  • Aly Char, a student at University of British Columbia studying Geographical Sciences, will work in the lab this summer to analyze daily gridded climate data. Welcome Aly!