
Welcome to the Ecohydrology Lab at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa!

The research of this laboratory focuses on the interaction between climate and terrestrial ecosystems, the regional manifestations of global climate change, the effects of climate change on regional hydrological and ecological processes, and the impacts of changing vegetation, through land cover change and species invasion, on the regional climate and hydrological cycle.

Our research involves field measurement, data analysis, and modeling of climate and ecosystem processes. We maintain numerous field sites in Hawai‘i (e.g., HaleNet, HIPPNET, and HavoNet) and other tropical locations, where we conduct measurements of atmospheric, hydrological, and ecological variables. Our interests include the spatial patterns of climate (e.g., precipitation,temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and evapotranspiration), historical changes (e.g., precipitation trends and temperature trends), and projections of future changes in climate (e.g., heavy precipitation and mean precipitation). We also maintain state-of-the-art ecosystem flux towers over field sites in Hawai‘i (Nahuku Tower and Ola‘a Tower) and Southeast Asia (Som Sanuk Tower and CRRI Tower), which measure the exchanges of energy, water vapor, and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ecosystem.