Python APIs for Dialogs

For displaying simple textual information, warning or error dialogs you can use the DialogDisplayer utility class.

displayer = DialogDisplayer()
displayer.showMessageDialog("Please specify a positive number for the scale", "Editor Warning", "Warning")

For displaying dialogs that require a user interaction such as OK, YES or NO, use showConfirmDialog:

   displayer = DialogDisplayer()
   resp = displayer.showConfirmDialog("Do you want to continue ?", "Editor Warning", "OkCancel")
   if resp == 'Ok':

If you require the user to input an integer, use the IntegerPrompt class.

   # Constructor arguments are the prompt and a default value in case the user does not enter a value
   integerPrompt = IntegerPrompt("Enter the number of traces to extract:", 0)
   response = integerPrompt.showDialog()
   if response != 0:

See full API at

If you require the user to input an double, use the DoublePrompt class.

   # Constructor arguments are the prompt and a default value in case the user does not enter a value
   doublePrompt = DoublePrompt ("Enter the multiplication factor:", 1.0)
   response = doublePrompt .showDialog()
   if response != 1.0:

See full API at

If you require the user to input an string, use the StringPrompt class.

   # Constructor argument is the prompt
   stringPrompt = StringPrompt("Enter the name for this project:")
   response = stringPrompt.showDialog()
   if response != "":

See full API at