Python APIs for 2D Well Layers

View Well Data in a XSection window

NOTE: INTViewer requires a seismic layer to be present in a XSection window before a well layer can be added.

seismicData = SeismicData("F:\\Data\\Alwyn\\alwynDepth.xgy")
window = XSectionWindow("Test")
seismicLayer = SeismicLayer(window, seismicData)
wellData = WellData("C:\\Data\\Alwyn\\with_logs+tops\\3_4-07.las")
wellLayer = WellLayer(window, wellData)
print wellLayer.getAllProperties()

View a Well Trajectory in a Map window

window = MapWindow("Test")
data = WellData("C:\\Data\\Alwyn\\with_logs+tops\\3_9a-N36.las")
layer = MapWellLayer(window, data)
print layer.getAllProperties()

View Well Data in a Well Log Window

window = WellLogWindow("Test")
data = WellData("C:\\Data\\Alwyn\\with_logs+tops\\3_9a-N36.las")
layer = WellLogLayer(window, data)
print layer.getAllProperties()