Creating an Amplitude vs. Time Plot

This script is accessible as a contextual menu of seismic analysis rectangles. It captures all sample values in that rectangle, and displays them as an "Amplitude/Time" cross plot.

In order to define a contextual action for analysis rectangles, you need to put your Python script in your Python directory under a directory called Contextual_XSection_Analysis_Rectangle.

Go to Tools->Options->Environment->Python Scripts (or Tools->Options->Python->Scripts in INTViewer 5.2) and click "Refresh from Disk". Your script should be listed automatically.

You will now be able to execute this script from the contextual menu of an analysis rectangle:

This script will create a pointset and visualize that pointset in a cross-plot window.

You can download this script at the bottom of this page.

The result after the script executes should look something like the following: