Visualizing a Ricker Wavelet in a well log window

In this example, we will add a contextual menu to a well track.

This contextual menu adds an arbitrary Ricker wavelet to a well log window.

You can download this script at the bottom of this page.

The parameters to the Ricker function (frequency, lengh, dt) are arbitrary for this example. This script shows how you can define Python functions (with the keyword def) to isolate specific parts of your algorithm.

To make this Python script available in the contextual menu of node, place it in the Contextual_Well_Log_Window directory of your "Python Scripts" directory.

Go to Tools->Options->Python Scripts and click "Refresh from Disk". Your script should be listed automatically.

Proceed to Applying a Ricker Wavelet in a Well Log Window to use this Ricker log curve.