Python APIs for 2D Layers

Python APIs for 2D Seismic Layers - creating and setting attributes of a seismic layer in a XSection or Map window

  • SeismicLayer
  • MapSeismicLayer
  • MapOutlineSeismicLayer
  • MapSeismicLineLayer

Python APIs for Cross-Plot Layers - Creating cross plots based on seismic amplitudes, seismic headers horizon data or well log curves

  • CrossPlotLayer
  • CrossPlotData
  • CrossPlotTrend

Python APIs for Calculator Layers - creating and setting attributes of a layer based on a formula

  • CalculatorLayer
  • MapCalculatorLayer

Python APIs for 2D Horizon Layers - creating and setting attributes of a horizon layer in a XSection or Map window

  • HorizonLayer
  • MapHorizonLayer

Python APIs for 2D PointSet Layers - creating and setting attributes of a pointset layer in a XSection or Map window

  • PointSetLayer
  • MapPointSetLayer

Python APIs for 2D Well Layers - creating and setting attributes of a well layer in a XSection or Map window

  • WellLayer
  • WellLogLayer
  • MapWellLayer

Python APIs for Fourier Transform Layers - creating and setting attributes for a fourier transform layer in a fourier transform window

  • FKLayer
  • FTLayer

Python APIs for Spectrum and Spectrum Phase Layers - creating and setting attributes of a spectrum layer in a spectrum window, and a spectrum phase layer in a spectrum phase window

  • SpectrumLayer
  • SpectrumPhaseLayer

Python APIs for Seismic Histogram Layers - creating and setting attributes of a seismic histogram layer in a histogram window

  • SeismicHistogramLayer

Python APIs for Well Histogram Layers - creating and setting attributes of a well histogram layer in a histogram window

  • WellHistogramLayer

Python APIs for Horizon Histogram Layers - creating and setting attributes of a horizon histogram layer in a histogram window

  • HorizonHistogramLayer

Python APIs for PointSet Histogram Layers - creating and setting attributes of a pointset histogram layer in a histogram window

  • PointSetHistogramLayer