Welcome to Scripting INTViewer with Python

Welcome to the INTViewer Python Script Development Site. This site provides information to all developers on how to leverage INTViewer's Python capabilities. Use support@int.com for questions.

Also checkout our latest blog article about Python scripting in INTViewer: Live Completion Is Better than AutoCompletion

Getting Started

Introduction - Why it's a good idea to use Python with INTViewer

INTViewer Python Basics - A brief overview of the Python elements that are featured in INTViewer


Comparing several datasets

Indexing and transposing a seismic dataset

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Automation Demos

Ouputting 10 spectrum images to a file

Converting a log curve to a Segy file

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Geoscience Demos

Extracting seismic amplitudes along a well

4D seismic modeling using Python trace processor

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UI Customization Features

Python APIs for Contextual Menu Items

Python APIs for Reactive Scripts

Python APIs for Contextual Functions

Python APIs for Prompts

Technical Discussions

Sharing Python scripts in a collaborative environment

Advanced Microsoft Office Demos

Creating a PowerPoint presentation

Creating an Excel spreadsheet

References and APIs

Python APIs for Data

Python APIs for Windows

Python APIs for 2D Layers

Python APIs for 3D Layers

Python APIs for Selections

Python APIs for Dialogs

Python APIs for the INTViewer Desktop


Making Your Class Scriptable - To expose an existing Java class to the Python Interpreter