Scholastic Book Orders

You can order books using two different methods:

Book order flyers sent home periodically or

online using the following link:

Scholastic Book Clubs

Teacher Code: QNP47

When ordering using the book order flyers, orders must be sent to school by the end of class on the date posted on the class calendar. Books are sent to the school and delivered to the student. Please send payment with the book order. Payments can be made using a check made out to Scholastic. Checks made out to me will not be accepted as I will be ordering online, and I don't have access to banking in town. If you prefer to pay via debit/credit card, scholastic can be accessed online.

When ordering online, there are more offers than what you find in the book order flyers. It may be worth your time to browse. Online orders require payment using a credit/debit card. No money ever changes hands with the teacher. Once submitted the orders will be sent at the same time as the posted due date and delivered to the student via the school just as with orders made using the flyers.

If at any time you need an order delivered to you and not given to your child, let me know. I will be glad to work with you. Grandparents, neighbors, Aunts, Uncles.... can also order using the link above or the code QNP47 when they sign up. These orders will be sent to the school. I will let you know when they have arrived.

I thank you in advance for taking advantage of this service. Points earned from all orders are used to extend our school's library or for reading incentives for the class.