Empowers Students to Be Creators

Students explain their thinking, communicate with an authentic audience, and take ownership of their growth – key skills for success this school year and beyond.

Meets Students Where They Are

Get the valuable insights of 1:1 conferences at scale. Intuitive tools simplify data-informed and differentiated instruction so every student receives the right level of support and challenge.

Reinforces Core Curriculum

Make practice of core subjects engaging and effective with the Seesaw Library. Our standards-aligned, supplemental curriculum is ready to assign and builds upon what you’re already doing.

Captures Mastery Beyond Traditional Assessments

Make what students actually know visible. Students demonstrate mastery beyond traditional assessments, so every student is celebrated and supported along their learning journey.

Keeps Everyone In the Loop

Support seamless collaboration between all of the adults in a student’s life, from administrators and classroom teachers to specialists and family members. Engage this network of support to drive academic, social, and personal growth.

Creates a Community of Learning

Increase student motivation by sharing learning with an authentic audience: their teachers, family members, and peers.

Inviting grandparents and other interested family members to participate in Seesaw as well allows them to see what your student is doing in school and support their learning.  Just share the QR code and information you received with them. Feel free to request another copy of this information to share with them.  If you would like me to send an invite, I need the email or phone number you would like me to use. Students love to share their work!

Seesaw is a student driven digital learning journal/portfolio that allows students to document their learning and capture experiences and then share them digitally with their families. Students can use photos, videos, voice recording, drawings, and text notes to share their learning and progress using their Chromebooks.  Students can share what they are doing with their parents and families that sign up, on a variety of devices allowing you a glimpse into what your child's day at school is like. Once you sign up and download the app, you'll start receiving whole class posts and individual posts from your child. You also have the opportunity to comment directly to your child and encourage and support their learning. As a teacher I can also see when you look at your student's posts on Seesaw. If you would like more information check out Seesaw's website.