Week 4


Tested and improved config file update function

started development of arp table update function

Worked on switch detail view design


Finished and integrated arp table update function

Started development of custom note function

Improving client code

10.05.2016 Swisscom Menlo Park

We showed Beni our achievements since the last Swisscom

meeting, and talked about the requirements and if

he is satisfied Started developing IP arp table match

in switch detail view

Swisscom Business Lunch Wednesday 5th Oct., Menlo Park

Visiting Swisscom Datacentre in Sunnyvale



Finished and integrated ip arp table match into switch detail view Started error handling function

Added Switch delete function to frontend

Function: delete rack implemented

Function: switch port details and Custom note implemented



We went to San Francisco to visit linked in so we were not able to make some progress with our

project but had an interesting experience and learned how to network better