Week 2


After code review of SPOSDES V 2.0 changed properties the program is running again with the

Bing and Google API "Search"

This will be documented separately.

Fixing SPODES V2.0



Meeting with Mr.Schneider: Refining our SMART goals

approvment from SCHURTER for the updated goals.


Video-Conference with SCHURTER (Spencer Lane)

MS Excel macro created, to clean and sort out medical market company names.

Redefining SMART goal nr.2 because of changed requirements from Schurter.


Developed a concept for a possible solution of goal nr.2

Coded an Excel-Parser in Java to read the processed company names from the Excel-file.


Begin working on the algorithm to compare company names with Excel macro.

Creating an Excel macro (VBA) to segment customers into their according industries with a string matching algorithm (Soundex, etc.)

Created GUI conzept for SPOSDES 3.0.