14 FAQ

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

    • You must wear a seatbelt when driving an automobile or when riding as a passenger in an automobile.

    • It is against the law to drive an automobile and talk on a mobile phone or to text message as a driver. You may talk if the mobile phone is Blue Tooth integrated into the automobile.

    • Do not drive an automobile if you have been drinking alcohol. The fines are $10,000.00.

    • It is customary to leave a “tip” of 15% of the total amount of a bill when eating at a restaurant. The exception is that when eating at a “fast food restaurant” such as McDonald’s is that you do not leave a tip.

    • Smoking of tobacco and e-cigarettes is prohibited in restaurants, pubs, and most public places. This includes on Santa Clara University.

    • Be careful when crossing the street. Sometimes drivers of automobiles are not paying attention.

    • When using the CalTrain for transportation you must purchase your ticket from a machine at the station. You cannot purchase tickets on the train. If you are on the train without a ticket you can be fined over $150.00.

    • Always have in your possession identification with your photo. A photo copy of your passport information is acceptable.

    • It is safe to drink tap water.

    • Californians are friendly. If you have a question ask it.

    • Holidays: October 10: Columbus Day. Celebration of the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus. Many government offices are closed. Most businesses are open.

    • Restaurants: There are many restaurants near Santa Clara University and most range in price from $10.00 - $15.00 per person per meal and represent the ethnic diversity of the Silicon Valley. They include the following cuisine: Mexican; Thai; Chinese; Japanese; Italian, and; “American”. If you are interested in restaurants you can Google them.