Week 1


first draft of the «SMART goals» created. (Specific, Measurable, Approved, Realistic, Timed)

first attempt of running SPOSDES V2 (Schurter Point Of Sales Data Enrichement Software).

analyzing code of SPOSDES V2.

creating a google and bing search enginee to understand what stands behind it (price model, API's, limitations, etc.).


Kick-off meeting with Schurter in Santa Rosa (Monticoli, Lane, Schurter, Schneider, Hodel, Lötscher, Cupples, Widger, Stadelmann)

and presentation of our project proposal.


final version of the «SMART goals» from our side.

sent the goal documentation to Spencer Lane from SCHURTER to approve the goals


all project members set up their development environment (Java version, Eclipse Neon, Java fx) to get startet with goal nr.1

approval from Spencer Lane is given for our definition of the SMART goals.

Final version of Project Schurter ppt presentation.