09 Interesting Links

https://www.scu.edu/ -- Santa Clara University

https://www.scu.edu/map/index.php -- Map of Santa Clara University

http://meetup.com/ -- Find your people, getting together to learn something, share something…

https://www.eventbrite.com/ -- Eventbrite brings people together through live experiences.

https://www.coursera.org/ -- online courses on all the topics

http://www.pythontutor.com/ -- learning pythong and basic algorithms and data structures.

https://leetcode.com/-- website with a lot of interview questions and solutions

https://codelab.interviewbit.com/ -- also a lot of interview questions to practice.

Cracking-Coding-Interview -- book for preparation for interviews in IT companies

http://crowdcompanies.com/ -- Crowd Companies : An Innovation Council, Honeycomb 3.0

https://techcrunch.com/2012/01/03/crunchbaseexits/ -- The Average Successful Startup Raises

$25.3 Million, Sells For $196.8 Million

http://paulgraham.com/startupmistakes.html -- The 18 mistakes that kill startups
