Week 4


Updated the Java Program to work with the Levenstein String Similarity Algorithm.

First Version of the GUI with basic switching between the window functionality and file/directory chooser.




Implemented JaroWinkler Algorithm instead of LevenStein into Java Program to give a better Result.

Added additonal functionality to ExcelWriter. It is now able to print the name of the Company that

delivers the best result


Merged the Prototype into SPOSDES 2.0 and tested it.

Program works but JavaVM needs additonal memory as the program now delivers an HEAP SPACE EXCEPTION.

This is because the Program now needs to load both the new functionality of this year and the old

functionality of last years group.


We found a solution to the HEAP problem. We now start the program via a batch command.

Meeting with SCHURTER. They seemed delighted with our current progress and Spencer

will talk with Diane to schedule a meeting for next week to talk about what still needs to be changed.


«If you are going to San Francisco.... be sure to wear some flowers in your hair», Meeting at LinkedIn

Jaro Winkler in VBA