Week 1

We started our first project week with our kickoff meeting at Swisscom in Menlo-Park. There we met Beni Eugster, our project client, and the rest of de Santa Clara based Swisscom team. Mr Schneider was our driver and took also part in the meeting. First we discussed unclear points from the project proposal and could gather some valuable information. Then we defined how a SMARTER goal should look like and made some examples. Finally, we set a date for the next meeting on Monday 09/19/2016 and we agreed that we will work at the Swisscom offices every Wednesday the coming 5 weeks. Tuesday afternoon after class we started to finalize our SMARTER goals and finished our Presentation. While I and Sandro did this, Alexander started defining requirements and made use-cases.

We worked on these things until Wednesday, where Sandro and I started to evaluate the best database software and the programming language which fitted the project the most. The appropriate solutions were found fast and we could start trying them out. After we knew the technological frame we started to think about our possible architecture and design. While this process we came up with some more questions we need to clarify next Monday.

Based on our knowledge we made some assumptions and started to develop a prototype which we want to show Beni on our next meeting. The prototype took us from Wednesday evening until Friday afternoon. Looking back at our first week we are satisfied with our progress. We even got a bit further than we thought.