The Egoscue ® Method of Postural Alignment - a very effective program designed to treat musculoskeletal pain without drugs, surgery, or manipulation. It is a process which involves a series of stretches and gentle "e-cises" designed specifically for each client to wake up specific muscles that brings the body back into proper alignment and functioning the way it was designed—pain free.
Lynne - My Master Yoga Teacher who certified me. She offers international retreats that are heavenly as she is a very gifted instructor and delightful person to be with.
Judith Hanson Lasater - An internationally renown Master Yoga Teacher with whom I have studied continually over many years. She has published many books and is brilliant in what she has to offer.
Balance Center - directed by Jean Couch in Palo Alto, California. Modern-day spinal alignment and practice of “balance” guidelines. There is a good description of her research on balance and spinal health on this website.
Dancing Bears - A 25 + year old Alaskan traditional dance organization dedicated to preserving early American folkdance and music traditions. It has been responsible for teaching thousands of “left-footed” Alaskans to contra and square dance, which has led to exploration of many other dance forms. Great clean fun and exercise that the whole family can enjoy.
Alaska Sound Celebration - A chapter of Sweet Adelines in Anchorage, Alaska. Great creative outlet for women to come sing their hearts out and enjoy making tight four-part harmony.
Kalani Honua - A wonderful retreat center on the Big Island of Hawaii. They always have something fascinating going on, including yoga and dance.
Denali Dreams - An Alaskan based soap factory! Soaps for women, men, and canines made of very healthy natural ingredients. They make lip balms and a great natural bug dope too!
Anchorage Farmers' Markets now have many sites with different websites. So check out your local market and eat delicious Alaskan grown food. We have the BEST carrots in the world! My local market is on Saturdays, 15th & Cordova.
Siren Beauty - A local Salon that works one-on-one to enhance your unique natural beauty. Services include lash extensions, facials, peels, waxing and more! This salon is delighted and dedicated to helping you feel like the most beautiful version of yourself!