youn wha ryu basic form 2

Note: this form is completely symmetric

0 chumbi

1 turn left, left leg forward, "front stance." inside-to-outside left arm block

2 step forward, right-hand punch in "front stance"

3 right leg CW 180d to "front stance," inside-to-outside right arm block

4 step forward, left-hand punch "front stance"

-up the I-

1 left leg CCW 90d to "front stance," left hand "down block"

2 step forward in "front stance," right punch

3 step forward in "front stance," left punch

4 step forward in "front stance," right punch

-top of the I-

1 left leg CCW 270d to "front stance," inside-to-outside left arm block

2 step forward, right-hand punch in "front stance"

3 right leg CW 180d to "front stance," inside-to-outside right arm block

4 step forward, left-hand punch "front stance"

-down the I-

1 left leg CCW 90d to "front stance," left hand "down block"

2 step forward in "front stance," right punch

3 step forward in "front stance," left punch

4 step forward in "front stance," right punch

-bottom of the I-

1 left leg CCW 270d to "front stance," inside-to-outside left arm block

2 step forward, right-hand punch in "front stance"

3 right leg CW 180d to "front stance," inside-to-outside right arm block

4 step forward, left-hand punch "front stance"

0 chumbi