Procurement (PCard) Updates

May 31, 2024

Change in PCard Administrator
Effective Monday, June 3rd, there will be a change to the Pcard Administrator due to personnel adjustments within Strategic Sourcing. Bernadette Welle will assume the role as your primary point of contact. Please continue to submit Pcard requests via Web Help Desk Tickets. For urgent matters, contact Bernadette can be reached at (720) 433-1102 if further assistance is needed.  

December 1, 2023

PCard/US Bank:

If you need to know your current monthly availability during the billing period, please call this number below (US Bank card holder support) and they will provide you with your current available balance. (800)344-5696

May 5, 2023

PCard/ Sams Club Membership:

Sams Club Membership- Effective immediately, schools and departments can download the Sams Club App and use your district Sams Club membership login to now make purchases in-store as well as online with your district Pcard through the scan and go. Also, you may have a total of two (2) cards attached to your Sams Club membership to make purchases. If you are adding a second card, please submit a HelpDesk ticket to add the second card and get the appropriate restrictions lifted on that card to be able to make those purchases. If you have any questions, please email

**Please note, Costco is not an approved supplier to use. 

March 31, 2023

PCards - Urgent Requests

Urgent PCard requests- Please email with your urgent request. Include the name on the card, the last four of the card, and whether limits need to be increased (amount)  and/or restrictions lifted. In the subject line, please put 'URGENT'. 

Urgent situations shall be defined as those instances which may adversely affect the health, welfare, or safety of students, employees, or the general public, when any delays would place an excessive financial burden on the district, or when delays would cause significant harm to the district. We will have a designated team member checking the email periodically on Saturdays and Sundays. As for Monday through Friday, please follow all standard operating procedures via a Helpdesk ticket for your needs. 

We do urge all employees who are taking students on any type of trip to be proactive with their trip before they leave and enter a Helpdesk ticket to release restrictions on their card as well as ask for a monthly card balance to make sure they have enough funds for the length of the trip. This will hopefully eliminate the need for any urgent pcard requests. Thank you!

March 17, 2023

My Unverified Procurement Card Transaction Verifications Report

A new report was created called My Unverified Procurement Card Transaction Verifications. This will pull all of your pcard verifications that are not completed including ones sitting in draft. Please save this report for future use.  

July 8, 2022

PCard Year-End Verifications:

Here's a little refresher on how to verify your pcard transactions that are for the previous fiscal year (21/22) since you will start to see some of them come through in Workday and want to make sure they are being posted to the correct budget. The instructions can be found on the PCard Google Site or on the PCard Verification Guide. 

May 20, 2022 

PCard Update: 

Year end is right around the corner. Please make sure that all of your pcard verifications are complete before leaving for summer. Cards will still be suspended with offenses during the summer and they do not start over at the beginning of the year. 

Any pcards ordered will be kept in the warehouse from June 6th- Aug 5th and can be picked up by the cardholder. This includes renewals. If they are not picked up by August 5th, they will be sent out with district mail the week of August 8th. 

To activate your new pcard, please visit the PCard Google Site for instructions on how to do so. The instructions will no longer be stapled to the cards when you receive them. 

Thank you so much! 

May 13, 2022


New PCards ordered during the summer will need to be picked up from the warehouse (June 3, 2022- August 1, 2022). If they haven't been picked up by August 1, they will be delivered the first week of August on your mail day.

March 25, 2022

Travel: To lift pcard restrictions for the purchase of airline tickets or hotel block deposits for upcoming overnight trips, please complete this new Preliminary Overnight Trip Approval Form.

February 18, 2022

PCard Update:

Due to the high volume of requests, we may need the full 48 hours to process your ticket. Please plan accordingly and we appreciate your patience. If this is an absolute emergency and the purchase needs to take place in less than 48 hours, please email after you have submitted your ticket, and we will try to assist as soon as possible. 

HelpDesk Travel Tickets:

Please note: there are two types of travel tickets now. One is for the limits that need to be raised regarding travel and the other is to notify US Bank that you will be traveling and to unblock your card. The ticket type ' Limit Increase- Not Travel' should not be used for any travel requests. Travel notifications must be submitted at least one week prior to travel. Travel increases may take up to 48 hours so please plan accordingly for your trip. 

Please visit the updated PCard Google Page.

February 11, 2022

PCard (Procurement Credit Card) Update:

NEW: Pcard HelpDesk tickets have been updated. We have added tickets for fraud, disputing charges, lost or stolen cards, suspensions, travel limit increases and travel notifications. Here is the PCard Google Site for your reference. Thank You!

January 28, 2022

Procurement Card (PCard) Reminders:

Sending a friendly reminder that all cardholders are responsible for verifying their own transactions in Workday. This is part of the Procurement Card Program Manual that the cardholder agreed to when applying for a pcard. Here is the agreement for your reference. See page 10. 

The bookkeeper is not responsible for verifying staff's transactions first. They are responsible for verifying that an accurate description is entered for each transaction in Workday by the cardholder and then sending it to the Cost Center Manager for final approval. The only time a bookkeeper would be doing the verification first is if it were their own card or one of the cards in their name that was checked out. 

If anyone has any questions about this, please feel free to contact Also, please remember to have all verifications completed before the 30 day period to avoid an automatic suspension and offense on your card. Lastly, please bookmark the PCard Google Site to assist with some questions you may have. Thank You!

December 10, 2021

Procurement Card Update:

We are seeing a high number of P-Card users not verifying P-Card Transactions within the 30-day window. As a reminder, P-Card purchase verifications must be completed in Workday in order for US Bank to be paid for the charges. Please utilize the P-Card Google Site as a tool to ensure these tasks are completed. 

Additionally, there are new rules that will begin January 1, 2022. In order to avoid a possible 1st Offense (P-Card Suspension), please make sure all of your verifications are done prior to December 31, 2021. If you need help or have any questions, please check the P-Card Google Site or email

August 6, 2021

PCards Will Be Delivered: The warehouse will start to deliver all PCards that were not picked up during the summer on your next mail day. If you need it earlier than that, you are more than welcome to come to the warehouse located at the West Support Center in Castle Rock to pick it up. Have a great week and welcome back!  

July 2, 2021

REMINDER 2020-2021 Year End PCard Transaction Verification Procedures: All PCard transactions dated June 30, 2021 or earlier will be posted to the 2020-2021 school year. Going forward, the verification date for all transactions dated June 30th or earlier must be adjusted to June 30, 2021. All transactions in the 2020-2021 school year must be verified by July 15th.

June 4, 2021

Approve your PCard Transactions: Please be sure that all of your Inbox PCard Approval tasks have been completed for any transactions on or before 06/30/2021.  

May 28, 2021

June PCard Renewals - District PCard renewals for cards that are expiring at the end of June have been received and processed. If your card has a 'Valid Thru 6/21' date, you may pick up your new PCard at the West Support Center before mail service resumes its regular schedule. Cardholders should contact the warehouse at prior to arriving to ensure the new card is available; picture ID's will be required. The warehouse is open from 8am-3pm (Ring Bell at Door K).

If you do not need your new PCard this summer, then the new one will be delivered to your school/department when mail service resumes its normal schedule in August. If you work at a site that receives regular mail deliveries through summer, your card will be delivered to your department.

PCard Administrator Change - As of June 4th, Bernadette Welle will no longer be the District's PCard Program Administrator. In order to avoid delays in reply, please be sure you are using the email for all questions related to PCards. If you are having trouble making a purchase, need the restrictions on your card lifted, or need to order a new card, please submit a Web Help Desk Ticket.

May 21, 2021

June/July/August Card Renewals - Pick Up Option: All PCards that are expiring this summer will have new cards sent directly to the West Support Center. If needed, Cardholders may pick up their new PCard at the West Support Center this summer before mail service resumes its regular schedule. Cardholders should contact the warehouse at prior to arriving to ensure the new card is available; picture ID's will be required. The warehouse is open from 8am-3pm (Ring Bell at Door K).

Due to the large number of cards renewing and requests for pick up, we will not be able to notify cardholders individually when their card is available. We will be posting in the BOB when each month's renewal cards have been processed and are available for pick up.  

If you do not need your new PCard this summer, then the new one will be delivered to your school/department when mail service resumes its normal schedule in August. 

May 14, 2021

Expiring Pcards: There are a large number of Pcards expiring over the summer this year. If your card is due to expire in June, July, or August, the card will automatically be renewed and sent to the West Support Center; you do not need to submit a request for a new card. Cards will be held at West Support until the mail service resumes in August. Exceptions will be made for cards for B.A.S.E. Programs and District Offices; these will be sent via District mail as they arrive. If you have questions regarding this, please email

August 14, 2020

Pcard Request Process: Due to recent changes within the Strategic Sourcing Department, Bernadette Welle is now in the Accounts Payable Department and it is imperative that all Pcard requests are sent to or HelpDesk Ticket submitted to avoid delays in response.

July 2, 2020

REMINDER 2019-20 Year End Pcard Transaction Verification Procedures: All Pcard transactions dated June 30, 2020 or earlier will be posted to the 2019-20 school year. Going forward, the verification date for all transactions dated June 30th or earlier must be adjusted to June 30, 2020. All transactions in the 2019-20 school year must be verified by July 15th.

June 19, 2020

2019-20 Year End Pcard Transaction Verification Procedures: All Pcard transactions dated June 30, 2020 or earlier will be posted to the 2019-20 school year. If a verification for a 2019-20 transaction is verified on or after July 1, 2020, the verification date must be adjusted to June 30, 2020. All transactions in the 2019-20 school year must be verified by July 15th.

*Please note, this only applies to transactions June 30th or earlier. The date on verifications of transactions July 1st or later should not be changed 

May 8, 2020

Bookkeepers: There are a large number of unverified transactions over 30 days. Cardholders have been emailed regarding their verifications and card privileges have been suspended for cardholders that have still not completed their outstanding transactions. Please be sure you are running the DCSD-FIN-Unverified P-card Transactions by Cost Center report for your school/site every week, and that you are working with your cardholders to be sure every transaction is verified. Purchases are not reflected in your school/site's budget until the transaction is verified and approved. 

April 17, 2020

Click here for important information regarding the Business Services Year End Process.

Reminder: Items needed by employees while working remotely need to be approved via email by the Director/Principal and the Director of SSCM, Lindsay Bergemann. The approval email must be attached with the receipt to the Pcard verification in Workday. For reference, see the policy below:

Home Delivery Approval: On a case by case basis, if an employee feels that he or she needs to purchase an item(s) that allows him or her to continue to work from home, then the individual can send a request to their Director or Principal asking for permission via email. If approved, the Director or Principal shall send the approval email to Lindsay Bergemann for final approval.

If Lindsay Bergemann approves, she will send the email to the group so everyone is aware. 

April 10, 2020

Pcard Transaction Verification Deadlines: In March, when the District was originally only going to be closed for a few weeks, we made exceptions to the verification deadlines since there were several cardholders with receipts located in the school/department that they did not have access to. Because the closure has been extended through the end of the school year, all transactions will need to be verified in Workday even if the receipts are not accessible at this time. We will be reinstating the transaction verification deadlines in order to ensure that all transactions are verified and approved through Workday so that your budgets reflect all purchases made.

If you have transactions where the receipts are at your school/department, please use the Lost Receipt Form as the receipt. We are not requiring the Site Administrator Signature at this time due to working remotely. 

For recent transactions, if you do not have access to a scanner, please take a legible picture of the itemized receipt and email it to yourself so it can be attached to the verification. Here is a link to instructions for verifying transactions and please feel free to contact Bernadette Welle at with any questions.

Starting April 17th, we will resume the suspension of any card with verifications over 30 days.  

March 13, 2020

Pcard Administrator Out Of Office: Bernadette Welle will be unavailable Wednesday, March 18th, through Friday, March 20th. Strategic Sourcing will be covering all Pcard requests during this time. Please be sure you are submitting a Web Help Desk Ticket for all requests;  any questions can be sent to the email.

February 14, 2020

Fraudulent Transactions: If you have fraudulent transactions on your District Pcard, it is imperative that you contact US Bank immediately. Please note, it can take the bank 5-10 business days for the credit to appear in Workday. The bank they may or may not send documentation for the cardholder to complete, and this takes at least 10 business days to arrive at the Pcard office; it will be forwarded to the cardholder to complete and fax to US Bank.

***REMINDER: The fraudulent transaction and the credit need to be verified in Workday in a timely manner. Enter 'Fraudulent transaction, disputed with US Bank' as the description, and use the Transaction Dispute Form as the receipt. Be sure to use the same spend category and account code for both the charge and the credit.

Verifications - Memo Field: When verifying transactions, copy the Line Item Description into the Memo field. This field populates to the Funds Available Report and the Detail Report for YTD Actuals. This small step can save you hours of research time later.

School Book Fairs/Charging Tax: We have had a few questions recently regarding book fairs and whether or not to charge tax when books are purchased from the school. While the District is tax exempt, individuals purchasing items are not. Please make sure you are charging the appropriate tax when selling items at your book fairs.

Web Help Desk Tickets: Just a reminder that we recently changed our procedures. Please submit a Web Help Desk Ticket for any Pcard related requests. 

January 17, 2020

New Pcard Request Process: We are implementing a new procedure for Pcard requests. Going forward, please submit a Web Help Desk Ticket for all Pcard requests.  Select Pcard Request, then the appropriate request (ie: Travel, Card Decline, Limit Increase, New Card Request). All tickets will be sent directly to the Pcard Administrator and will be completed in the same manner as your email requests. 

If you have an urgent issue, or are having trouble submitting a ticket, please contact the Pcard Administrator, Bernadette Welle, at (720) 433-1129

November 8, 2019

Pcard Verification Reminder: The Pcard verification requirements implemented this school year have made a very positive impact on the number of unverified transactions. After your employees verify their transactions, the verification then needs to be approved before the purchase will be reflected in your budget. As a reminder, please be sure you or your designee's are checking for Pcard verification approvals in your respective Workday inboxes.     

Pcard Application Process: We are rolling out a new fully electronic procedure for applying for a new Pcard. Going forward, if you have an employee that needs a Pcard, please email with the employee's name and email address. The application and guidelines form will be emailed via Eversign to the manager and bookkeeper for electronic signatures. The new procedure will make applying for a Pcard faster and easier.

October 18, 2019

The Workday team has been working on a bug that affected transaction verifications over the last few weeks. The bug caused the account code that was entered to be removed after the verification was submitted for approval. 

The bug has been fixed, and the Workday team has made the necessary corrections. However, there are several verifications that will need to be approved again. Please approve any verifications that may come back to you; there are no changes to these verifications other than repopulating the account code. This did not affect every verification, so you may not see any verifications to approve again.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact the Pcard Program Manager at 720-433-1129.

August 23, 2019

P-card Transaction Verification Requirements: A reminder of the new Pcard Transaction Verification requirements for the new school year. ALL transactions must be verified within 10 business days of the date of the transaction. If transactions are not verified within 30 days, the employee's card privileges will be suspended until all transactions are verified.   

We are giving everyone a grace period for the beginning of the school year, but please be advised that anyone with unverified transactions over 30 days will have their card privileges suspended starting September 2nd. If you have any questions regarding how to complete your verifications, please see your site/school bookkeeper or email

June 28, 2019

Pcard Transaction Verifications SY 18/19: All transactions made in the 18/19 school year must be verified and approved by July 15th. This includes any purchases made between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. 

IMPORTANT: If you are verifying a 18/19 school year transaction on or after July 1st, you must change the document date to June 30, 2019 prior to submitting the verification. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Bernadette at

June 14, 2019

Pcard Verifications/Approvals: As we approach the end of the school year, please ensure all transactions at your school/site are verified, and that all approvals have been completed. Any transactions over 30 days will be verified with no description or receipt, and will be charged to  generic account codes within your department or school. If you have any questions, please contact Bernadette Welle at

May 3, 2019

P-card Transaction Verification Requirements: Due to numerous P-card transactions that have not been verified across the District, there are new requirements for verifying transactions. ALL transactions must be verified within 10 business days of the date of the transaction. If transactions are not verified within 30 days, the employee's card privileges will be suspended until all transactions are verified. 

Paying for Services with P-card is Allowed: A reminder that the District does allow the use of the P-card to pay for services. The payment would still be required to fall within the $2,500 single purchase limit. 

P-cards are Not Transferable: P-cards that are issued to an individual may only be used by that employee; the card is not transferable to other District personnel. 

The P-card Program Manual has been updated to reflect the new verification requirements, as well as the new higher card limits. Click here for the current version, or visit the P-card Google Web Site.    

April 5, 2019

The Board approved! In addition, the P-Card limit of $1000 will be increased to $2,500 and travel cards will be increased to $5,000. The RFP and quote thresholds are effective immediately, and all P-Card changes will be in place by April 19, 2019. The changes will also be discussed further at the upcoming Bookkeeper Meetings. 

Pcard Verifications: Please be advised that there is a new alert on Pcard verifications in Workday requesting a Supplier be entered for each transaction. This alert was added in order to provide more information on account detail reports, as well as enhance procurement reporting. The Supplier should be entered whenever possible; if, when you type in the supplier name, they are not available to select you can skip this field and continue.   

March 15, 2019

Pcard Verifications: Bookkeepers - Please be sure you are running the DCSD-FIN-Unverified P-Card Transactions report for your school/site on a regular basis. There are a very high number of unverified transactions throughout the District dating back to September. Please don't wait until the end of the school year to get with your card holders.  Thank you!

February 15, 2019

Pcard Requests: Bernadette Welle, will be out of the office with no access to email or voicemail from February 18th through March 1st. Please be sure to use the email for all Pcard related requests. Anything sent to Bernadette directly will not be seen until March 4th. Thank you!   

February 8, 2019

Pcard Requests: Bernadette Welle, will be out of the office with no access to email or voicemail from February 18th through March 1st. The email will be monitored by a back-up during this time, however, to avoid any delays if you are aware of any upcoming Pcard requests, ie: travel, limit increases, or purchase approvals, please email Thank you!   

August 3, 2018

July 13, 2018