Every Pcard transaction must be verified in Workday within 10 business days of the transaction. If transactions are not verified within 30 days, the employee's card privileges will be suspended.
The first step, go into Workday and pull the report My Unverified Procurement Card Transaction Verifications in the search box. This pulls up all verifications that are incomplete and need to be finished.
See Page 3 for 'Transactions in Draft'
See Page 4 for 'Year-End Verifications'
Pcard Suspensions
If transactions are not verified within 30 days, the employee's card privileges will be automatically suspended (an offense). A HelpDesk ticket for a suspended card must be submitted to turn your card back on.
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd Offense
Pcard is automatically closed. The cardholder can reapply for a card after six (6) months
Verifications 60 days past due or a Suspended PCard that hasn't been opened back up in 60 days Pcard is automatically closed. The cardholder can reapply for a card after six (6) months
** If your card was suspended and a Helpdesk ticket wasn't submitted within 60 days to turn it back on, your card will be closed.
** If there are any unverified transactions not completed when a ticket is submitted, the pcard will not be turned back on. This includes transactions sitting in draft and not overdue, so please check for those as well.
All fraud and credit charges must be verified within 30 days to avoid suspension of your card.
Pcard Guidelines Acknowledgement
Holding a District Pcard is a responsibility that must not be taken lightly; each time a card is used, school and/or department funds are being consumed
Only authorized purchases for DCSD are allowable; use of the card for personal purchases is not permitted at any time and may result in suspension and/or cancelation of your card privileges
All Pcards are issued at the request of the Principal/Department Supervisor. Usage will be audited and may be restricted and/or rescinded at any time for unauthorized use.
For a complete list of procedures and unauthorized/restricted purchases, please refer to the Pcard Manual.
Cardholders will receive a Notification in Workday whenever there is a transaction to verify. The cardholder is responsible for the following:
Retaining an itemized receipt for a Pcard transaction. Each transaction in Workday must have an itemized receipt attached to it
Ensuring all transactions posted are legitimate purchases made by yourself on behalf of the District
Entering a detailed and accurate description for each transaction. This should be a brief description of the items and what they were purchased for. Please avoid generalities such as 'supplies', or the name of the department for which the items were purchased.
Verifying a transaction in Workday is your electronic approval verifying that the transaction is valid and the description is accurate. All transactions must be verified within ten (10) business days of the transaction date. If transactions are not verified within thirty (30) days, the employee's card privileges will be suspended.
**Bookkeepers are not responsible for verifying transactions for cardholders.