
The Band Program at McClure consists of a Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Pep Band. Upon entering McClure, all sixth grade students are automatically placed into Concert Band. Concert Band rehearse during Period 10. When a student moves on into 7th grade, he or she then becomes a member of Symphonic Band. Symphonic Band members meet as part of the school day during 2nd and 3rd quarter. Symphonic Band members will rehearse before school during 1st and 4th quarter.

Jazz Band members are selected through an audition process that takes place during the first week of October. All participants receive the music one week in advance to prepare. Instruments in the Jazz Band include, but are not limited to: saxophone, trumpet, trombone, drum set, piano, guitar and bass. Rehearsals are once a week after school for an hour.

In addition, the Jazz Band and Symphonic Band each typically attend one festival performance outside of school. Band students are also eligible to participate in the Lyons Township Solo and Ensemble Festival, as well as other Lyons Township-sponsored band events.