Viewing Student Medical Info

When they complete our online medical update form each year, parents tell us about medical conditions, allergies, and medications relevant to their child.

They also indicate who is allowed to view this information: Teachers, Coaches, Non-Teaching Staff.

From a student's medical record, the school nurse can restrict the information beyond what a parent has set, but the nurse cannot grant access to a teacher or coach if a parent has restricted it.

Based on their preferences, Teachers and coaches who are in charge of a team or class that has this student on its roster can view medical information for that student. Teachers and coaches can also print out medical information cards for their students or athletes.

To view medical information:

    • Log into MyDE
    • Open your class or team and click on Roster
    • Hover the mouse over any student that is labeled with a red Medical Alert tag to see the relevant medical information

To run a report of medical contact cards (for field trips):

  • Log into MyDE
  • Open your class or team and click on Roster
  • Click the "Run Roster Reports" button and select "Medical Contact Cards."