18. Production


It allows you:

    • to view production data - ordered Movement Date, Created and production ID

    • to create and process production data (assembly or disassembly)

Columns that can be used as filters:

  • Organization

  • Organization_ID

  • DocType

  • DocType_ID

  • MovementDate

  • Created

  • DocumentNo

  • DocStatus

  • Processed

Actions can be done:

  • list full

  • create assembly

  • create disassembly

API Methods:

List Full:

URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/production/full/list/{version}?startRow={0}&endRow={100}&accessToken={access_token}

Method: GET

Return: JSON object with next format:


"data": [


"Organization": "DEMO SRL",

"Organization_ID": 1005272,

"Created": "2022-08-16 16:56:30+0000",

"CreatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"Updated": "2022-08-16 16:56:31+0000",

"UpdatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"DocType": "Material Production",

"DocType_ID": 1005954,

"DocStatus": "CO",

"Name": "BA_012",

"DocumentNo": "BA 1000012",

"MovementDate": "2022-08-03 00:00:00+0000",

"PriceList": "Achizitie RON",

"PriceList_ID": 1002246,

"Currency": "RON",

"Currency_ID": 346,

"IsAssemblage": true,

"IsCreated": false,

"Processed": true,

"Description": "RFC 1074719 ",

"OrganizationTrx": "SERVICE",

"OrganizationTrx_ID": 1005354,

"Employee": "DEMO",

"Employee_ID": 1022001,

"Project": "OBER01",

"Project_ID": 1020787,

"Activity": "Interventie TEST 1",

"Activity_ID": 1000161,

"Campaign": "Campanie testare API",

"Campaign_ID": 1000482,

"User1": "Patrimoniul privat",

"User1_ID": 1053278,

"User2": null,

"User2_ID": null,

"Asset": "LIVRABIL 8",

"Asset_ID": 1005690,

"Production_ID": 1003471,

"plans": [


"Line": 10,

"Locator_ID": 1003898,

"Locator": "Standard",

"Charge_ID": null,

"Charge": null,

"Product_ID": null,

"ProductName": "SEMIFABRICAT cu BA",

"ProductValue": "SM_BA",

"attributes": {

"BatchLot": null,

"GuaranteeDate": null


"QtyEntered": 5,

"Description": "some description",

"Cost": null,

"lines": [


"Organization": "DEMO SRL",

"Organization_ID": 1005272,

"Created": "2022-08-16 16:56:30+0000",

"CreatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"Updated": "2022-08-16 16:56:30+0000",

"UpdatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"Active": true,

"Line": 10,

"Locator": "Standard",

"Locator_ID": 1003898,

"ProductValue": "MP_1",

"ProductName": "MATERIE PRIMA 1",

"Product_ID": 1132724,

"QtyEntered": 5,

"MovementQty": -5,

"Charge": null,

"Charge_ID": null,

"Description": null,

"PriceCost": 100,

"CostAmt": -500,

"IsInProduction": null,

"PriceEntered": null,

"attributes": {

"BatchLot": null,

"GuaranteeDate": null




"Organization": "DEMO SRL",

"Organization_ID": 1005272,

"Created": "2022-08-16 16:56:30+0000",

"CreatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"Updated": "2022-08-16 16:56:31+0000",

"UpdatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"Active": true,

"Line": 20,

"Locator": "Standard",

"Locator_ID": 1003898,

"ProductValue": "MP_2",

"ProductName": "MATERIE PRIMA 2",

"Product_ID": 1132725,

"QtyEntered": 6.25,

"MovementQty": -6.25,

"Charge": null,

"Charge_ID": null,

"Description": null,

"PriceCost": 80,

"CostAmt": -500,

"IsInProduction": null,

"PriceEntered": null,

"attributes": {

"BatchLot": null,

"GuaranteeDate": null




"Organization": "DEMO SRL",

"Organization_ID": 1005272,

"Created": "2022-08-16 16:56:30+0000",

"CreatedBy": "DEMO_Admin",

"Updated": "2022-08-17 04:00:05+0000",

"UpdatedBy": "System",

"Active": true,

"Line": 30,

"Locator": "Standard",

"Locator_ID": 1003898,

"ProductValue": "SM_BA",

"ProductName": "SEMIFABRICAT cu BA",

"Product_ID": 1132726,

"QtyEntered": 5,

"MovementQty": 5,

"Charge": null,

"Charge_ID": null,

"Description": null,

"PriceCost": 100,

"CostAmt": 500,

"IsInProduction": null,

"PriceEntered": null,

"attributes": {

"BatchLot": null,

"GuaranteeDate": null








"totalRows": 1


Create assembly:

URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/production/full/create/assembly/{version}?generateProduction=true&documentAction={documentAction}&accessToken={token}

Method: POST


  • documentAction: default null, specify the document action (CO, VO, etc.)

  • generateProduction: default false, specify if the Generate Production process should be run, the process is used to generate the material receipt through which the stock receipt for the final product is registered


  • Mandatory Org

  • Mandatory DocType

  • Mandatory Locator (taken from context if not given)

  • Mandatory QtyEntered

  • Mandatory Product

  • If Cost is not given, the Current Costs process will be run to automatically infer the product cost. If Cost is given then the IsManual Cost checkbox is automatically set.

Return: JSON object with next format:


"data" : {documentNo}

"id": {production ID}


Data format:


"Organization_ID": 1000720,

"Organization": "Org name",

"DocType_ID": 1234567,

"DocType": "Material Production",

"DocumentNo": "Production DocumentNo",

"Name": "Production name",

"MovementDate": "2022-07-29 00:00:00+0200",

"PriceList_ID": 1000322,

"PriceList": "Price list name",

"Description": "Test description",

"project_id": 1002574,

"Project": "Project value",

"activity_id": 1000136,

"Activity": "Activity value",

"campaign_id": 1000465,

"campaign": "Campaign name",

"asset_id": 1004749,

"asset": "Asset name",

"OrganizationTrx_ID": 1000720,

"OrganizationTrx": "Org Trx Name",

"employee_id": 1006356,

"employee": "Employee name",

"user1_id": 1043000,

"user1": "User1 name",

"user2_id": 1004336,

"User2": "User2 name",

"plans": [


"Locator_ID": 1000132,

"Line": 10,

"Charge_ID": 1923523,

"Charge": "Charge name",

"Product_ID": 1234567,

"ProductValue": "Product value",

"QtyEntered": 10,

"Description": "Test description plan",

"Cost": 100,

"lines": {

"Charge_ID": 1923523,

"Charge": "Charge name",

"Product_ID": 1234567,

"ProductValue": "Product value",

"QtyEntered": 12,

"PriceEntered": 100.50,

"Description": "My description"





Create disassembly:

URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/production/full/create/disassembly/{version}?generateProduction=true&documentAction={documentAction}&accessToken={token}

Method: POST


  • documentAction: default null, specify the document action (CO, VO, etc.)

  • generateProduction: default false, specify if the Generate Production process should be run, the process is used to generate the material receipt through which the stock receipt for the final product is registered


  • Mandatory Org

  • Mandatory DocType

  • Mandatory Locator (taken from context if not given)

  • Mandatory QtyEntered

  • Mandatory Product

  • Mandatory PriceEntered ( <> 0)

Return: JSON object with next format:


"data" : {documentNo}

"id": {production ID}


Data format:


"Organization_ID": 1000720,

"Organization": "Org name",

"DocType_ID": 1234567,

"DocType": "Material Production",

"DocumentNo": "Production DocumentNo",

"Name": "Production name",

"MovementDate": "2022-07-29 00:00:00+0200",

"PriceList_ID": 1000322,

"PriceList": "Price list name",

"Description": "Test description",

"project_id": 1002574,

"Project": "Project value",

"activity_id": 1000136,

"Activity": "Activity value",

"campaign_id": 1000465,

"campaign": "Campaign name",

"asset_id": 1004749,

"asset": "Asset name",

"OrganizationTrx_ID": 1000720,

"OrganizationTrx": "Org Trx Name",

"employee_id": 1006356,

"employee": "Employee name",

"user1_id": 1043000,

"user1": "User1 name",

"user2_id": 1004336,

"User2": "User2 name",

"plans": [


"Locator_ID": 1000132,

"Line": 10,

"Charge_ID": 1923523,

"Charge": "Charge name",

"Product_ID": 1234567,

"ProductValue": "Product value",

"QtyEntered": 10,

"Description": "Test description plan",

"lines": {

"Charge_ID": 1923523,

"Charge": "Charge name",

"Product_ID": 1234567,

"ProductValue": "Product value",

"QtyEntered": 12,

"PriceEntered": 100.50,

"Description": "My description"






URL: https://api.socratecloud.com/webapi/rest/production/update/{version}?DocumentNo={document number}&Production_ID={Production ID}generateProduction=true&documentAction={documentAction}&accessToken={token}

Method: POST


  • documentAction: default null, specify the document action (CO, VO, etc.)

  • DocumentNo: document number of the production

  • Production_ID: ID of the production document

  • generateProduction: default false, specify if the Generate Production process should be run, the process is used to generate the material receipt through which the stock receipt for the final product is registered


  • Cannot update Organisation

Return: JSON object with next format:


"data" : {documentNo}

"id": {production ID}


Data format:


"DocType_ID": 1234567,

"DocType": "Material Production",

"DocumentNo": "Production DocumentNo",

"Name": "Production name",

"MovementDate": "2022-07-29 00:00:00+0200",

"PriceList_ID": 1000322,

"PriceList": "Price list name",

"Description": "Test description",

"Project_id": 1002574,

"Project": "Project value",

"Activity_id": 1000136,

"Activity": "Activity value",

"Campaign_id": 1000465,

"Campaign": "Campaign name",

"Asset_id": 1004749,

"Asset": "Asset name",

"OrganizationTrx_ID": 1000720,

"OrganizationTrx": "Org Trx Name",

"Employee_id": 1006356,

"Employee": "Employee name",

"User1_id": 1043000,

"User1": "User1 name",

"User2_id": 1004336,

"User2": "User2 name"
